Introduction: Horror vacui!

This is the first post here, and I don't know what to say, where to start, how to put my thoughts in order. Horror Vacui: the horror of the writer in front of the empty white page.

Ok, I will follow a simple rule: First things first.

A journal while I am experimenting with and learning Unity3D.

This is what this blog is. A documentation of my trials and errors in the probably most popular indy game engine and game development environment as of now.

I started learning game development with Unity since version 2.6, when the independent (indy) version would cost U.S. $100. Then, the company released the indy version for free, which was an awsome thing to do, especially for wanna-be game developers and amateurs like me.

Now, with version 4.0 and stronger than ever, with versions building games for a large variety of platforms (web deployment through the Unity runtime plugin, Apple IOS -pads and phones, Android, Windows and Machintosh machines), Unity is the de facto game development platform to choose for low budget projects.

In the following pages I will try to document my projects, explain in steps what I am doing, underline what did not work for me and point out what did work. Mind that I am not a professional game developer, nor that I can guarantee the truth and factual correctness of the topics, code and stuff that I describe herein. You have to read every post here with a critical eye, double check, duplicate in your own environment and draw your own conclusions. This is the magic of research, and this is how one gains knowledge and gradually transforms it into wisdom by facing their own shortcomings and errors. Having said that, I am open to all your constructive comments and critique.

But be prepared: this is going to be a long documentation process, and results will not come easy. Quoting the great Greek poet Constantinos Cavafy from "Ithaka":
"But do not hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you are old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you have gained on the way..."

Stay tuned for more as I take the time to write down my findings...


(You can find me in mastodon these days: Follow me on Mastodon)
